Deciding Data

How much does a Deciding Data A/B test cost?

The Counterintuitive Truth About Testing Costs

Testing isn't just a necessary expense to understand your customers later. It can pay off in the short term (as well as the long).

True Cost=(Results From Guessing)-(Results From Smart Testing)

The opportunity cost can be negative if the testing system adapts as data comes in. Our system doesn't just compare ads; it shifts your budget to the winners as you go.

Key Advantages

  1. Adaptive Spending: Shift spending to the winners quickly, so your testing performs better than guessing.

  2. Uncover Performance Drivers: Gain insight into specific elements that influence ad success.

  3. Accelerate Creative Cycles: Use actionable insights across many tests to iterate faster and more effectively on your ad creative.

Estimate The Cost Of A Test

Use the calculator below to see how much it might cost to learn with smarter A/B testing.

Experiment Parameters

Cost Per Click: $0.73

Number of Ad Variants: 4

Spending: $30 (≥ $30 recommended)

Simulation Results

0Cost=Clicks from Guessing -Clicks from Smart Testing